Even if you intend to minimize your holiday plans this year, you may worry that orthodontic treatment will interfere with the plans that you do make. Will an orthodontic appliance stop you from enjoying special meals that you have been looking forward to? Will aligners affect the way you look in the photos that you take this year? The choice to have your smile adjusted with clear braces can spare you some of the awkward issues people experience in the course of orthodontic treatment. Our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office actually offers treatment with SureSmile Clear Aligners. These appliances are similar to other clear braces in the sense that they are difficult to see and easy to remove. What sets SureSmile aligners apart is their design, which focuses on the movement of your front teeth to produce faster results, and conclude your overall correction in less time than you might expect! (more…)
You Can See More Than Cosmetic Changes From Clear Aligners
Why do patients decide to start treatment with clear aligners? An interest in treatment is often sparked by a concern about malocclusion’s effect on a person’s appearance. Problems with poor spacing and alignment will make it difficult for people to feel fully confident in the way they look, but malocclusion is more than just a concern for the way someone looks. These flaws can also affect your oral health by creating problems for your bite as well as your ability to brush and floss effectively. When you visit our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office, you can learn how SureSmile Clear Aligners are able to help you improve your smile and oral health. With your appliances, you will be able to move teeth into better positions without being dependent on metal braces. Because your aligners are made to reduce treatment time, they can give you the results you want in less time than other treatment plans require! (more…)
How SureSmile Aligners Differ From Other Appliances
Is there any reason to select one type of clear orthodontic appliance over another? If you want to do something about crooked teeth, you may feel that you can count on any appliance that makes your adjustment discreet. At our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office, you can discover the advantage of choosing SureSmile Clear Aligners over other treatment options. When you pursue treatment with SureSmile aligners, you can enjoy a shorter treatment time. This is because SureSmile clear braces are specially designed to focus on the movement of front teeth. In addition to producing cosmetic benefits in a shorter time, this can ensure your adjustment is completed before another appliance might complete your work. (more…)
3 Tips For Protecting Your Smile During Orthodontic Work
By committing to orthodontic work, you can change your smile and also improve your oral health. As you look into your treatment options, you can discover that there are more ways to fix gaps and overlaps between teeth than you might have anticipated. At our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office, we provide SureSmile Clear Aligners to help patients fix these flaws. Your aligners will be difficult to see, making it easy to commit to an adjustment. You also enjoy faster results with SureSmile aligners, as they are designed to prioritize straightening your front teeth. Because you have the ability to remove these clear aligners on your own, you can have an easier time brushing and flossing effectively. With that said, you should make sure you take your oral health seriously throughout a correction with any appliance, as problems can intrude on your plans to show off a straighter, more attractive smile! (more…)
What Questions Do You Have About SureSmile Clear Aligners?
If you are ready to do something about teeth that are poorly spaced, you may wish to learn about orthodontic treatments that do not involve metal braces. While these traditional appliances are effective at resolving problems with gaps, overlaps, and other spacing flaws, they are not always necessary for straightening teeth. At our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office, we can talk to you about the benefits of treatment with SureSmile Clear Aligners. Like other treatments that rely on clear aligners, SureSmile can make your corrective work discreet and surprisingly convenient. As you look into their benefits, you can discover that they also make it possible for you to show off your results in less time! (more…)
The Cosmetic Benefits Of Treatment With SureSmile Aligners
When you start to learn about the benefits of orthodontic work, you can find that a procedure can do more than just change the way you look when you smile. Patients can have orthodontic treatment recommended as a way of improving their bite alignment, or as a means to fix overlaps that affect their ability to prevent cavities and gum disease. With that said, it can be hard not to feel excited for the cosmetic benefits an adjustment provides. Our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office uses SureSmile Clear Aligners to help those who are looking to straighten their teeth. These appliances let you fix flaws with gaps and overlaps discreetly, and they also let you shorten the time it takes to complete an adjustment! (more…)
Will It Be Hard To Wear Your Clear Aligners Every Day?
When a person’s questions about orthodontic treatment go unanswered, they may hesitate to move forward with treatment to resolve problems with their smile alignment. While people can be attracted to the idea of using clear aligners instead of metal braces for treatment, they may have concerns about how easy it might be to keep their aligners on for the appropriate length of time. Will you really be able to wear your appliances throughout the day on a daily basis? Are they really able to avoid detection? Clear aligners are designed to be unobtrusive. You can stay on track with your alignment by keeping them in place every day even as you remove them at times to eat or clean your teeth. If you are still unhappy with the idea of treatment, know that the SureSmile Clear Aligners provided at our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office can give you the results you want in less time! (more…)
SureSmile Aligners Can Discreetly Adjust Teeth That Overlap
How worried should you be if you have teeth that overlap? Teeth that are poorly aligned can affect the symmetry of your smile, which can make you uncomfortable with the way you look. What you should know is that they also put you at risk for problems with poor oral health, as it may be difficult to effectively clean portions of teeth that are not properly aligned. With SureSmile Clear Aligners, you can have problems with uneven teeth corrected so that these issues no longer affect you. At our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office, we rely on SureSmile aligners to fix these problems without the use of conspicuous braces. In addition to being harder to observe, SureSmile aligners actually lead to shorter adjustments for patients. (more…)
Can Clear Braces Really Fix Your Issues With Malocclusion?
Can you rely on clear aligners to address problems with the spacing and alignment of your smile, or will you need to wear metal braces? Many people have issues with malocclusion that can be addressed through the use of more discreet aligners, which can make orthodontic treatment easier to adjust to. At our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office, we rely on SureSmile Clear Aligners to help our patients fix gaps, overlaps, and other issues with the way their teeth are positioned. These appliances are hard to see and easy to remove. What sets them apart from other clear braces is their ability to prioritize the movement of your front teeth, which can have the effect of shortening your adjustment period! (more…)
Want To Shorten Orthodontic Treatment? SureSmile Can Help!
When people begin orthodontic treatment, they tend to be eager to finish their adjustment. Even with clear aligners, which can make treatment more convenient, it can be difficult to resist some feelings of impatience as you wait to start showing off your straightened smile. An exciting benefit of treatment with SureSmile Clear Aligners is the ability to see results in less time! At our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office, we can recommend the use of SureSmile aligners for many people who struggle with poor smile alignment. Because these appliances are designed to prioritize the moving of your front teeth, we can actually have your adjustment completed in less time than other appliances require. (more…)