Can MTM Clear Aligners Really Shorten My Treatment Time?

While clear aligners have made the prospect of orthodontic treatment less intimidating, people who want to show off straighter teeth can still have understandable concerns about how long their adjustment might take. Even with the convenience of appliances that can go unnoticed, and be easily removed, you can be eager to start showing off your improved smile! At our Prairie Village, KS dental office, we understand this excitement to complete orthodontic work. We provide our patients with MTM Clear Aligners, which can actually lead to shorter treatment times by focusing on the movement of front teeth. This change to the typical clear aligner allows people to have their work completed in shorter periods – you may be able to have your work finished in just three to six months! (more…)

Enjoy The Convenience Of Removable Orthodontic Appliances

The idea of having metal braces permanently bonded to your teeth can be less than exciting, even when you are eager to have your teeth straightened. Spending an extended period of time with a fixed appliance can interfere with your diet choices, and make you concerned about how well you can take care of your teeth when you brush and floss. You can also be embarrassed by the idea of wearing metal braces because you might feel less attractive. With MTM Clear Aligners, you can actually enjoy the benefits of orthodontic work without having to wear a fixed appliance! At our Prairie Village, KS dental office, we can talk to you about how MTM aligners correct poor smile alignment with clear, removable aligners. You can be happy to know that these appliances also benefit you because they can lead to results in less time than other orthodontic treatment options! (more…)

MTM Aligners Are Your Discreet Solution For Crooked Teeth

Your daily life does not have to be disrupted by your orthodontic work! Because people often assume that they have to rely on metal braces for their smile correction, they hesitate to start treatment. At our Prairie Village, KS dental practice, we can provide you with an exciting and modern alternative to the conventional bracket-and-wire braces you may be familiar with. We can discuss treating your smile with MTM Clear Aligners. Like other clear braces, MTM aligners can be worn without attracting unwanted attention from others, as they are made to avoid detection. You can also be happy to know that these appliances have a benefit that other clear aligners do not share – patients using MTM aligners can enjoy shorter adjustment times! (more…)

Enjoy Orthodontic Work Without Distracting Braces!

Having a straighter smile to show off in pictures, or when meeting someone new, can be exciting. What can be less than exciting is thinking about how orthodontic work might require you to wear conspicuous metal braces for an extended length of time. At our Prairie Village, KS dental office, we can provide you with a welcome alternative to traditional metal braces. MTM Clear Aligners can make orthodontic work discreet, as they are made from a clear plastic material that makes them hard to notice. In addition to having an appliance that is difficult to see, you can enjoy an additional benefit of MTM aligners – these appliances are designed to shorten treatment times! (more…)

Bring Questions About MTM Clear Aligners To Our Practice

If you are tired of feeling self-conscious because your teeth are misaligned, or if you are trying to make improvements to your bite function, you can be ready to talk about orthodontic treatment. However, you may be unsure of which appliance might be the one you want to trust for your adjustment. At our Prairie Village, KS dental office, we can provide quality orthodontic treatments using MTM Clear Aligners! These aligners are designed to be discreet, as they can be worn without drawing attention to their presence. These appliances, unlike other clear aligners, are actually designed to prioritize the movement of your front teeth, which can lead to results in a shorter period! (more…)

Use MTM Aligners To Straighten Teeth, And Improve Your Bite

For many people who seek out orthodontic treatment, an adjustment is exclusively about making smile improvements. This is certainly a worthwhile goal – after all, you deserve to feel confident in the way you look. What might surprise you is that there are additional benefits to orthodontic work, including benefits for your dental function. By straightening your teeth, you can improve your bite function, and better protect yourself against problems like TMJ dysfunction. If you want to make orthodontic corrections without undergoing treatment with metal braces, talk to our Prairie Village, KS dental office about MTM Clear Aligners. You can count on MTM aligners to make cosmetic smile improvements, but your adjustment can also help you maintain a healthier bite! (more…)

MTM Clear Aligners For Teens And Young Adults

While many adults can benefit from orthodontic treatment, treatments to address poor dental alignment often take place when an individual is younger. While it may be common to see a teenager or young adult with metal braces, many people in these age groups can worry about the effect metal braces might have on the way they look. Of course, younger and older individuals can find that being unable to remove their metal braces can lead to frustration. At our Prairie Village, KS dental office, we can provide orthodontic improvements with MTM Clear Aligners to patients who qualify for them. With these appliances, teens and young adults can feel confident in the way they look during their adjustment, and enjoy smile improvements in less time than it can take to fix alignment flaws with other types of braces. (more…)

Make An Appointment To Discuss MTM Aligners And Your Smile

You may be tired of the effect poor dental alignment is having on your smile, but are you ready to address the problem? When it comes to orthodontic work, patients sometimes believe that their only option for correcting problems with gaps and overlaps will be metal braces. For some patients with more serious alignment concerns, metal braces are necessary. With that said, many people are able to qualify for discreet, removable aligners that allow them to make smile improvements without any conspicuous appliances. Our Prairie Village, KS dental practice can provide you with MTM Clear Aligners. These appliances make orthodontic work discreet, and they boast a special design that can actually speed up your adjustment! (more…)

What Makes MTM Aligners Different From Other Appliances?

Orthodontic work can lead to important changes that affect your smile, and your oral health. Because of this, patients can be understandably concerned about finding the right approach to treatment. At our Prairie Village, KS dental office, we offer orthodontic treatment with MTM Clear Aligners. With these appliances, it becomes possible to deal with frustrating gaps and overlaps that currently hurt your smile without drawing unwanted attention, as you will use a sequence of clear appliances instead of metal braces. One benefit of using MTM aligners that patients particularly enjoy is that they can see results in less time than they would with a different approach to orthodontic adjustment, as these appliances are designed to focus on moving teeth that are more prominent when you smile. (more…)

MTM Aligners Can Lead To Straight Teeth In Less Time

If you are truly tired of the smile problems caused by crooked teeth, you can be eager to being orthodontic treatment. You can also be eager to reach the end of your adjustment, and start showing off your improved smile! At our Prairie Village, KS dental practice, we can help you discreetly fix problems with poorly aligned teeth by offering MTM Clear Aligners. With these aligners, it becomes possible to correct spaces, overlaps, and other concerns without putting you through the experience of wearing metal braces. While you can be glad to know that your correction is discreet, you can be even more excited to learn that these appliances are designed to cut down on a person’s treatment time. With MTM aligners, you may have your results in as little as three to six months! (more…)