Using SureSmile Treatment To Change Your Appearance

When you have unresolved issues with the alignment and spacing of your teeth, it can be hard to show off your most confident smile. While orthodontic work is effective at correcting problems with teeth that seem too far apart, too close together, or otherwise out of place, people sometimes  feel less than enthused about the idea of traditional metal braces. Fortunately, you can find out more about SureSmile Clear Aligners, which provide orthodontic work with discreet, removable appliances. At our Prairie Village, KS dental office, we can talk to you about the benefits of SureSmile treatment, the impact it can have on your smile, and what you can expect from your procedure. One thing to understand about SureSmile aligners is that their focus on shifting your front teeth can deliver visible improvements sooner, and help to shorten your overall treatment time! (more…)

How SureSmile Aligners Help Adults Fix Gaps And Overlaps

Many adults feel unhappy with their teeth because they are not properly aligned. An issue with malocclusion can feel more embarrassing in adulthood because people tend to address smile gaps and overlaps in their teen years. With that said, not everyone has orthodontic work before they are adults, and some who do can experience teeth shifting that hurts their appearance. Our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office is prepared to help if you wish to start orthodontic treatment as an adult. With SureSmile Clear Aligners, we provide a discreet approach to care, one that relies on a series of removable clear aligners instead of fixed braces. In addition to making your corrective work less conspicuous, we can use these appliances to improve your smile in less time than other aligner systems require! (more…)

SureSmile Aligners Help Patients See Faster Results

It can be hard to shake off your excited feeling when you think about what orthodontic treatment can do for your smile. At the end of your corrective work, you can flash a more symmetrical and attractive smile, one that is no longer marred by issues like teeth gaps or awkward overlaps. Corrective work with clear aligners can make the process of straightening your teeth more comfortable, as they attract less attention and can create fewer problems in your daily life because they can be removed. To enjoy these benefits and see results in less time, ask your Prairie Village, KS dentist about treatment with SureSmile Clear Aligners! With these appliances, patients can finish corrective work sooner, as they are made to prioritize the movement of your front teeth. (more…)

Choosing SureSmile Aligners To Close Your Smile Gap

Many people feel self-conscious about the way they look when they smile because poor teeth spacing has given them a visible gap. This opening can feel out of place, it can draw unwanted attention, and it can even affect your overall smile symmetry. As you look into your options for treatment, you can find that alternatives to metal braces are available, so you can close a gap without wearing a conspicuous appliance. Your Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office can recommend treatment with SureSmile Clear Aligners. When SureSmile aligners straighten a person’s teeth, they can produce results in less time than other appliances.

Your SureSmile Aligners Can Go Unnoticed By Others

Many people want to do something about crooked, poorly aligned teeth, but they are reluctant to start orthodontic treatment because they worry about how they will look with metal braces stuck to their smile. At our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office, we can actually provide a discreet alternative to traditional braces. Instead of having metal braces put in place to fix gaps and overlaps, we will provide you with a series of SureSmile Clear Aligner appliances that will gradually correct your smile. These appliances are difficult to see, and they can be removed without difficulty. SureSmile aligners differ from other clear aligners because they actually prioritize the movement of your front teeth. What this does is produce smile improvements in less time and shorten your overall procedure! (more…)

Planning Your Personalized SureSmile Aligner Treatment

While malocclusion is a common problem, people experience it in different ways, and to different degrees. Because of this, orthodontic treatment is tailored to a patient’s specific needs to produce their desired results. At our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office, we use digital technology to carefully measure teeth and determine what they need from their SureSmile Clear Aligners. By providing custom aligners, we can give you treatment that is focused on making the right adjustments to straighten your smile. In addition to being a discreet and patient-friendly approach to orthodontic work, treatment with SureSmile aligners is beneficial because it can give you the results you want in less time than other aligners. (more…)

Using SureSmile Aligners To Fix Your Smile Flaws

Different smile flaws make people feel self-conscious about their appearance. For some, the trouble lies in discoloration, while others are embarrassed by visible chips or cracks that make teeth look unattractive and unhealthy. Many people who want to do something about the way they look are interested in making their teeth straighter. Malocclusion, or trouble with the alignment or spacing of teeth, causes many people to feel unhappy with their appearance. At our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office, you can receive help in the form of SureSmile Clear Aligners. SureSmile aligners make corrections in less time than other appliances, as their design prioritizes the movement of your front teeth. When you fix gaps and overlaps, you do more than just improve the way you look – you can also lower your risk for oral health problems! (more…)

What Makes SureSmile Different From Other Aligners?

Many people who want to fix problems with poor smile alignment hope to use something other than traditional braces to address gaps and overlaps. For patients who qualify, SureSmile Clear Aligners provide a means of quickly and discreetly fixing troubles with their appearance. These appliances are difficult to see, and like other clear orthodontic aligners they can be removed by you at any time of day. What separates SureSmile aligners from other appliances is their design, which focuses on moving your front teeth. This targeting of the front teeth can produce faster results and shorter overall treatment times!

How Easily Will Orthodontic Work Fit Into Your Daily Life?

When you choose to pursue orthodontic work, you commit to a treatment that gradually moves your teeth out of their poor alignment and into better positions. This work can lead to exciting cosmetic changes, but it can also be a means of addressing certain oral health concerns. Because this procedure takes time to complete, patients can understandably wonder what their daily experience will be like. Patients at our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office can arrange an orthodontic treatment that makes their daily experiences easier than they may anticipate. Because we use SureSmile Clear Aligners for orthodontic treatment, we can provide you with a treatment experience that is discreet and easy to work around. In addition to requiring fewer intrusions on your daily life, your SureSmile treatment can also lead to results in a shorter time! (more…)

Using SureSmile Aligners To Reposition Your Front Teeth

The appearance and condition of your front teeth have the most impact on the quality of your smile. If you have problems with their alignment, your smile will look less symmetrical, and conspicuous problems with gaps or overlaps can be difficult to ignore. Relatively mild issues with malocclusion can feel like a bigger concern when these issues affect your front teeth. While this can be a frustrating problem, it is something that can be treated discreetly, and in a shorter time than you might expect! Our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office provides orthodontic treatment with SureSmile Clear Aligners. What makes these aligners different is their emphasis on shifting front teeth to produce better cosmetic results in less time. (more…)