Benefits Of The Right Orthodontic Care

Living with excess spacing between teeth or crowding that leaves them out of position can certainly be embarrassing. It can also create problems for your dental well-being, as these alignment issues can change your oral health and bite function. There are different treatment options available to people who want to make improvements to an uneven smile. Options that are available to you can include Orthodontic Clear Aligners, which let you fix poor spacing between teeth without wearing metal braces. By qualifying for this service, you can see the cosmetic changes you want, and you can enjoy the oral health benefits of straighter teeth, while avoiding a procedure that is conspicuous or intrusive. Our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office can help you understand the benefits of this approach. (more…)

Learn About Orthodontic Clear Aligners

The idea of orthodontic work can be intimidating, particularly to adults who feel that corrective work is associated with teens and kids. Wearing an appliance for an extended length of time can sound uncomfortable, and you can worry about how its presence will affect the way you look. At our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office, we can offer an alternative to the kind of traditional metal aligners you might worry about using. Instead of metal braces, you can move forward with a procedure that uses Orthodontic Clear Aligners to make corrections to your teeth spacing. With these clear aligners, you can make your corrective work discreet, and you can enjoy results while depending on something you can quickly and easily remove at your convenience! (more…)

Patient-Friendly Care For Crowded Teeth

There are many reasons why people experience doubts about the way they look when they smile and speak. If you have teeth that are too close together, the visible crowding that results can hurt your appearance because teeth may jut out, appear recessed, or generally look out of position. At our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office, we can recommend a patient-friendly solution for this, one that can preserve your appearance and minimize changes to your daily routine. Orthodontic Clear Aligners have helped many people who want a solution for crowding, gaps between teeth, and other problems linked to malocclusion. These appliances can also have positive effects on your oral health, as they can fix problems with spacing that impact your bite function and oral hygiene efforts. (more…)

How Aligners Fix Teeth That Are Too Far Apart

If you have teeth that are too far apart, the gap that exists between them can draw attention you would rather not have, making you self-conscious about the way you look. By exploring your options for orthodontic treatment, you can find that a discreet solution for this is available. Our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office can offer Orthodontic Clear Aligners to make corrections to close spaces, fix overlaps, and generally resolve any alignment issues that hurt your smile. This approach offers more than just a less conspicuous option for care, as you can also enjoy having the ability to quickly and easily remove appliances when they might be in your way! (more…)

The Clear Aligner Treatment Process

What can you really do about your crooked smile if you are not comfortable with metal braces? Through the use of Orthodontic Clear Aligners, patients at our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office can take on problems with any gaps or overlaps between their teeth, and they can do so without feeling embarrassed by the presence of a distracting appliance. The set of aligners that you receive will be custom-made to help you move teeth that are out of position, which can lead to cosmetic as well as oral health benefits. By committing to care, you can have the cosmetic improvements you want as well as positive changes for your oral health! (more…)

A Discreet Fix For Poor Smile Alignment

It may seem as though the only way you can fix poor teeth spacing is with metal braces. These traditional appliances are capable of doing important work by fixing gaps, overlaps, and other flaws linked to uneven spacing. However, they require you to wear your conspicuous appliance for an extended length of time. Our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office can help by providing another approach. With Orthodontic Clear Aligners, we can make the work of fixing gaps and overlaps easier to fit into your daily life. In addition to drawing less attention thanks to their clear appearance, these can make your experience with straightening your smile easier because they are easy for you to remove! (more…)

What To Expect From Clear Aligners

What can you realistically expect from a procedure that straightens your teeth? Is it possible to fix gaps and overlaps without wearing metal braces for a length of time? At our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office, we can provide the right improvements while making your time during orthodontic treatment easier. A set of Orthodontic Clear Aligners can make your procedure discreet, and they can make it easier for you to see results without being asked to make alterations to your daily life. Your adjustment can help you smile with more confidence, and it can also help you avoid certain oral health difficulties associated with malocclusion. (more…)

Clear Aligners And Your Work Life

Does orthodontic treatment have to create problems for your daily life? It may feel as though you do if you think your only treatment option is one that depends on fixed metal braces to see results. What you should know is that you have other options. Your Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office can provide an alternative with Orthodontic Clear Aligners. The benefits to this approach can be appealing to many individuals who want to fix spacing flaws. For those who worry about the impact that treatment will have on their work life, it can be a relief to know that a set of aligners that are hard to see and easy to remove are available for beneficial corrective treatment. (more…)

Tired Of Trying To Hide Crooked Teeth?

The effort you put into hiding that your teeth are crooked can certainly be tiring. This is not something you should feel you have to do in order to avoid the embarrassment that poor spacing can cause. At our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office, we can actually recommend a solution that is surprisingly easy to fit into your life. With Orthodontic Clear Aligners, we can provide a set of clear appliances that gradually move teeth that are affected by gaps and overlaps. After you complete treatment, you can feel excited to show off just how much your appearance has changed, and you can enjoy the oral health benefits that come with orthodontic work. (more…)

Straightening Teeth That Overlap

If your teeth are too close together, they can appear to overlap in ways that create embarrassing smile flaws. When there are visible spacing problems, it can hurt the overall symmetry of your appearance and also cause issues with your bite function and oral health. For many people, Orthodontic Clear Aligners can be an effective solution to this problem.  At our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office, we can recommend that you start moving your teeth into more attractive positions with a set of clear appliances that will make discreet orthodontic treatment possible. At the end of your corrective work, you can feel better about how you look, and you can enjoy welcome oral health benefits! (more…)