Category: Cosmetic Dentistry

Your Expectations For Orthodontic Work

Can orthodontic work easily fit into your daily life? Will you see meaningful results from corrective work with appliances that are difficult to see and easy for you to remove? Our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office supplies reliable smile care in different forms, including care with clear appliances. Removable clear aligners can gradually move teeth… Read more »

Benefiting From The Choice To Use Clear Aligners

There are different advantages to pursuing orthodontic treatment. The outcome of your corrective work can include a more attractive smile as well as different oral health benefits. What might surprise you is how easy it is to see the results you want when you choose to pursue care with the right aligners. Our Prairie Village,… Read more »

Smile Flaws That Clear Aligners Can Fix

What is currently stopping you from showing off a truly confident smile? For many, a lack of confidence can be traced back to a problem with poor teeth spacing. If you think that the only way this can be fixed is with conspicuous metal braces, you may feel less than eager to pursue care. Our… Read more »

Will I Be Comfortable Using Clear Aligners?

If you have problems with poor teeth spacing, it can be difficult to comfortably show off your smile. You may also find it hard to deal with the effect that this problem has on your bite function. This is because working around awkward spacing can put more wear and tear on certain teeth and even… Read more »

Successful Smile Improvements From Clear Aligners

While some spacing issues are more significant than others, it only takes a slight misalignment to create an embarrassing visual flaw. If you have any gaps or overlaps between teeth that hurt the quality of your smile, or if you worry about a general appearance of unevenness that you hope to correct, our Prairie Village,… Read more »

Clear Aligners And Their Cosmetic Benefits

There are different concerns that people bring up when they want to talk to their dentist about cosmetic treatment. For those who have issues with teeth that are not properly spaced, the goal can be to find a solution that does not require the use of metal braces. Our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office is… Read more »

Using Aligners To Improve Your Smile

As long as your smile looks crooked because of poor teeth spacing, it can be hard for you to feel truly confident in the way you look. If you have put off treatment for this problem because you worry that you need metal braces, you should know that another option is available. At our Prairie… Read more »

Using SureSmile Treatment To Change Your Appearance

When you have unresolved issues with the alignment and spacing of your teeth, it can be hard to show off your most confident smile. While orthodontic work is effective at correcting problems with teeth that seem too far apart, too close together, or otherwise out of place, people sometimes  feel less than enthused about the… Read more »

Trusting SureSmile Clear Aligners To Improve Your Smile

If you have problems with your smile because of malocclusion, it can be hard not to feel excited about orthodontic treatment. While an adjustment of your teeth can take time, completing the correction will reward you with a smile that is more symmetrical, and generally considered to be more attractive. What you should know is… Read more »

Understanding How Aligners Adjust Crooked Teeth

Because clear aligners offer people a chance to adjust their teeth without metal braces, many potential patients can be eager to use them for orthodontic work. With that said, you may be reluctant to move forward without a better understanding of how aligners can correct the position of your teeth. With each aligner you wear,… Read more »