If you struggle with the quality of your smile, you are certainly far from alone. Many people have a tough time opening their mouth to speak around others, and when that is due to misalignment, it can make every day a little more difficult than it needs to be. Crooked teeth and noticeable gaps can make it really tough to make the right first impression, whether at an important job interview or a first date. And with clear aligners, you have a way to see an improvement without the need for bulky and intrusive braces.
With Dr. Robert Browne, D.D.S. in Prairie Village, KS, you have the opportunity to see a better smile when you look in the mirror. Through clear aligner therapy, you can shift the location of your teeth along your oral ridge, all without the rest of the world noticing a thing. Since this option is nearly invisible, you can carry on with your day as if nothing is different, making positive changes the entire time. To find out more about the advantages of clear aligners in reaching a more attractive and safer smile, call our office today!