How MTM Aligners Differ From Other Orthodontic Appliances

As frustrating as it can be to have a smile affected by crooked teeth, people can still hesitate before looking into orthodontic treatment. That discomfort can be particularly strong if you work in a professional setting, or worry that braces will negatively impact your social life. When you understand how MTM Clear Aligners differ from traditional braces, and even other clear aligners, you can see more advantage in starting your adjustment. Your Prairie Village, KS dentist can talk to you about starting treatment, and the benefits gained by using MTM aligners. (more…)

Discussing MTM Clear Aligners With Your Dentist

It can be exciting to think you can use a discreet orthodontic appliance, rather than traditional braces, to fix issues with your smile alignment. With that said, you may be unsure if this approach is one that is right for you. If you are ready to do something about smile problems created by gaps, overlaps, and other alignment issues, you can talk with your Prairie Village, KS dentist about MTM Clear Aligners. These modern appliances can actually address orthodontic problems in less time than you expect, while remaining hard to notice. While the process is certainly beneficial to a person’s smile, you should know that there are also real oral health benefits to enjoy. (more…)

How Can I See Orthodontic Improvements In Less Time?

Your excitement over the benefits of orthodontic work can be cooled if you expect your adjustment to take a long time. When you expect big improvements to your smile, it can be all too easy to become impatient with your treatment. What you should know is that your Prairie Village, KS dentist can help you see corrections in less time thanks to MTM Clear Aligners. These orthodontic appliances are constructed to make your appearance a priority. Because they focus on correcting teeth that are key to the look of your smile, your results can be attained in less time.  (more…)

Fitting Treatment With MTM Aligners Into Your Daily Life

If you pursue orthodontic treatment, you can be excited by the thought of showing off a straightened smile. Even so, you may have some concerns about your time during your period of adjustment. How intrusive will your orthodontic appliance be? Will people dwell on the presence of an appliance? If you have concerns about your daily life during your adjustment, talk to your Prairie Village, KS dentist about MTM aligners. With these modern appliances, you can have work completed in less time. During your adjustment period, you can feel better about your appearance, as MTM aligners are made from clear plastic. (more…)

How An Orthodontic Treatment Can Impact Your Life

For a person interested in orthodontic treatment, the ideal outcome can simply be to show off a more attractive smile. Straightening your teeth can certainly accomplish this, as you can make improvements by fixing teeth that are crooked, or poorly spaced. You should know that you can also make improvements that impact your oral health in favorable ways. Your Prairie Village, KS dentist can offer orthodontic benefits through the use of MTM aligners. This approach to treatment can lead to results in less time than you expect, and without the frustrating effects metal braces can have on your daily life.  (more…)

Orthodontic Work Offers More Than Just A Better Smile

The way you feel about your smile can certainly improve after you correct a problem with crooked teeth. By making your smile more even, you can feel more attractive, which can provide you with an important confidence boost in your life. So should you consider orthodontic work a purely cosmetic treatment? There are actually advantages to adjusting crooked teeth that are more functional than esthetic – you can improve your bite function, and make it easier to keep plaque and tartar off your teeth. Your Prairie Village, KS dentist can talk to you about making changes to your smile with MTM aligners. (more…)

You Can Wear MTM Aligners Confidently In Social Settings

When you think about the potential for orthodontic work to affect your daily life, you may be concerned that your appliance will intrude on your social life. Traditional metal braces can feel like a prominent feature, which can make you self-conscious. What you should know is that discreet alternative options are available. Your Prairie Village, KS dentist can offer you orthodontic improvements with MTM aligners. These aligners are made with a clear plastic material that allows them to go unnoticed. As a result, you can feel better about your appearance in social settings, and in an environment where you want to maintain a professional demeanor. (more…)

Can Crooked Teeth Really Have An Impact On Your Oral Health?

Are your efforts to avoid cavities being undermined by your crooked teeth? Poor dental alignment is frequently seen as something to worry about from a cosmetic perspective. This is certainly understandable – after all, your appearance can be negatively affected by the relative positions of teeth. If you have gaps in your smile, or places where teeth are too crowded, it can be hard to ignore the effect on how you look. With that said, these problems can also make it harder to remove plaque and food debris from teeth, and it can lead to problems with your bite alignment. Your Prairie Village, KS dentist can help you correct the problem with the use of MTM aligners. These aligners can help people discreetly make adjustments to their teeth. (more…)

Do You Have Questions About MTM Aligners?

When people are looking into correcting problems with poor dental alignment, they sometimes assume that metal braces are the only way to make those corrections. However, there are modern appliances that offer results without the issues that make people uncomfortable with metal braces. You might be eager to learn more about MTM aligners, which are made to be discreet, and convenient. Your Prairie Village, KS dentist can talk to you about the benefits of using these appliances. One big advantage to MTM aligners is that they can offer results in less time. Because they are constructed to make the shifting of your front teeth a priority, they can give you your improved smile in as little as three to six months! (more…)

3 Advantages That MTM Aligners Can Offer Patients

As excited as people might be to show off a straightened smile, many are hesitant to explore orthodontic treatment options because they worry about life with metal braces. While bracket and wire appliances do important work, particularly for individuals with more significant alignment problems, they can be frustrating to wear. You may worry about your appearance, or feel that they are in the way when you eat, or clean your teeth. If you want to enjoy a straightened smile without metal braces, schedule time to talk with your Prairie Village, KS dentist about MTM aligners. These modern orthodontic appliances have given many patients their path to a straighter smile, while allowing them to enjoy benefits other appliances are not able to offer. (more…)