While metal braces can be hard to ignore, and they can seem to intrude on your ability to eat and clean your teeth, they can make remarkable changes to a person’s smile. If you have alignment issues that affect your appearance and oral health, traditional bracket and wire braces can gradually fix these concerns, and offer meaningful improvements for you. What you should know is that for the many patients who are approved, clear aligners can also help correct problems with crooked teeth. Your Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office can offer treatment with MTM Clear Aligners. In addition to being more discreet and convenient than metal braces, these appliances can actually help patients show off improvements in less time!
What Makes Aligners Different From Bracket And Wire Braces?
Using clear aligners to straighten teeth can make the orthodontic treatment experience easier on individuals, particularly those who worry about the impact braces would have on their appearance. Your custom appliances are made with a clear material that can be hard to observe when worn, so you can smile and speak without worrying that your aligner is attracting unwanted attention. You can also be glad to have an appliance you can remove with ease, as you will have no worries about your treatment interfering with your meals, or your ability to clean your teeth.
MTM Clear Aligners Can Actually Reduce Your Treatment Time
MTM Clear Aligners offer a distinct difference from other clear aligners used to straighten teeth. The Minor Tooth Movement system makes the movement of your front teeth a priority. As a result, your changes to your smile take place faster, and you can start showing off meaningful improvements with less delay. This change can allow you to complete an adjustment in a relatively short time, as little as three to six months.
Your Adjustment Can Have Many Positive Effects On Your Life
When you think about the benefits of straightening your smile, the cosmetic change you will experience can certainly be worth some excitement. That does not mean you should think of aligners as “just” a way to improve your appearance. When your teeth are straightened, it can be easier to avoid problems with tooth decay and gum disease. You can also improve your bite function, which can help your oral health in the long term.
Dr. Browne Is Ready To Discuss Your Treatment With MTM Clear Aligners
If you want to know more about the benefits of orthodontic work that relies on MTM Clear Aligners, talk to Dr. Browne! Our practice is ready to discuss these appliances, and the effect they can have on a person’s smile and oral health. We are proud to offer this as one of many services that can help individuals in and around Prairie Village, KS. To learn more, or to arrange a visit with Dr. Browne, contact our office today at (913) 901-8585.