The right treatment for poor teeth spacing can have real benefits for you. The straightening of teeth that are out of alignment can produce meaningful cosmetic improvements, as you no longer have to worry about gaps, overlaps, or other problems causing unwanted issues with the way you look. They can do so while having less effect on your daily life, as they are both hard to see and easily removed whenever you need to eat or clean your teeth. We can provide a careful evaluation of your teeth and oral structures to assess your alignment issues. After doing so, we can confirm if this approach is the right one for you, and we can capture measurements to ensure you receive personalized aligners. By finishing treatment, you can achieve a more attractive smile. Another benefit to corrective work with clear aligners is that you can improve your bite function and even make your oral hygiene efforts more effective!
Your work with clear aligners will begin after you receive a custom set of appliances. These will be designed to move your teeth in sequence, with each aligner you receive making part of your overall adjustment. As you move from one aligner to the next, you can see successive changes to the way you look. You can appreciate how easy it is to keep your aligners in place even as you go about your day, as their clear design makes it easy to wear them even when you are more conscious of how you look. They are also easy to remove at times when you need to eat and clean your teeth.
By choosing to start treatment with Orthodontic Clear Aligners, you can commit to a form of care that will help you feel more confident in how you look while preventing the need for treatment with an appliance that is fixed and unsightly. If you would like to find out more about this approach to care, please reach out to our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office at 913-901-8585.
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