Even if your issues with malocclusion seem less significant, problems with teeth spacing can be a lingering problem for your oral health as well as your appearance. As you look into treatment options, you can find that your access to Orthodontic Clear Aligners makes you more comfortable with staring an adjustment. After all, you will have a set of personalized, hard-to-see appliances to rely on as you gradually make corrections that fix gaps, overlaps, and other noticeable problems.
Dr. Browne will capture detailed images of your oral structures and teeth with advanced digital technology. By doing this, we can collect the information that we need to provide a personalized approach to care. Your aligners will be made to help you with your individual issues with malocclusion. It is important to have access to appliances that are prepared for you, as they can ensure that you see the right results.
When you finish correcting problems with your teeth spacing, you can see welcome changes to the way you look, and you can enjoy better bite health. Improving the alignment of your bite is important because it reduces your risk for TMJ problems, and it makes the way you apply and release pressure more even. You can also have an easier time keeping your smile clean because you no longer have teeth that overlap awkwardly.
If you are someone who has questions about orthodontic services, and your options for treatments that do not involve metal braces, Dr. Browne is ready to help. With the right aligners, you can make corrections to your smile that offer cosmetic as well as oral health advantages. To find out more about how we can help you with this issue, or to discuss another matter related to your smile, please call our Prairie Village, KS dental office at 913-901-8585.
Our patients often enjoy smile correction with our clear orthodontic aligners instead of braces. These…
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