Invisible and removable aligners for teeth alignment
Do you have dental misalignment? If so, this can impact the health and function of your smile, and also lead to issues with smile beauty too. But our team can shift your teeth to their proper positions with our clear orthodontic aligners. In today’s blog, your Prairie Village, KS, dentist looks at who qualifies for clear orthodontic aligners.
You should consider an appointment with our team if you have dental misalignment. This could include crooked, crowded, and overlapping teeth. Without treatment, poor alignment makes thorough brushing and flossing a difficult process, leaving your smile vulnerable to tooth decay and gum disease. Misalignment also strains your jaw joints so TMJ disorder and bruxism (teeth grinding) could develop. You may also feel embarrassed about your appearance, which could impact your social life. Our team can help straighten your smile. Instead of metal braces, our team could use our clear orthodontic aligners.
To begin, our team will take a close look at your smile with advanced digital imaging technology, which can gather images of your smile from multiple angles with precision and comfort. The images and measurements will then be used in a lab setting to design and craft the orthodontics. Made from a BPA-free plastic material, these will be clear in appearance and comfortable fitting. Each set aids in the smile correction process. No need for metal braces, and you could see optimal results in as little as one year.
The treatment process for clear orthodontic aligners is pretty simple. For two weeks, you will wear a set of the aligners for about 20 to 22 hours each day. You then repeat this process for the next set in the series and continue the process until you obtain an even smile, which could take as little as one year or as much as 18 months. The aligners are easy to clean and wear, and you can remove them before meals so you can enjoy your favorite dishes without worrying about particles of food being stuck in your orthodontics. Being removable also means a much easier time brushing and flossing, so you can better care for your smile throughout the treatment process.
If you have any questions about how our team will correct your uneven smile with our clear orthodontic aligners, or if you want to start treatment now, then contact our team today to learn more and get started.
Our team can take on your misalignment to help you smile with confidence and enjoy better oral health at the same time. Call Dr. Browne in Prairie Village, KS today at (913) 901-8585.
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