With Orthodontic Clear Aligners, you will be able to make meaningful changes to your appearance without the need to wear noticeable metal braces for an extended period of time. Wearing your clear aligners will help you change your smile for the better, as you no longer have to feel concern over gaps, overlaps, or other visible problems related to spacing. This can also help to better align your bite, which reduces stress on your joints and muscles that can cause pain and movement difficulty.
When you make arrangements to straighten your teeth with clear aligners, you will meet at our practice to have your smile closely evaluated and measured. The digital scans we take provide the details we need to personalize your appliances. Each one in your set will be easy to remove and difficult for people to notice. Wearing them for the recommended period of time will help you gradually change your smile for the better. Wearing your designated appliance throughout the day will help you reach your treatment end date with a successful correction. With that said, you can remove them without issue when you want to eat or clean your teeth.
One of the non-cosmetic concerns around poor teeth spacing is that it will negatively affect your bite function. If you are not able to comfortably apply and release pressure evenly, you can put stress on your joints and jaw muscles, and that can raise your risk for TMJ problems that further complicate your bite function and cause daily discomfort. Better alignment can also make it easier for you to clean your teeth, as you will not have to worry about effectively cleaning parts of your smile that overlap and are hard to reach.
Through the use of clear aligners, we can help you discreetly maneuver your teeth into place and provide lasting cosmetic and oral health improvements. If you would like to learn more about how we can help you, please reach out to our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office at 913-901-8585.
Our patients often enjoy smile correction with our clear orthodontic aligners instead of braces. These…
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Instead of traditional metal braces, we’re proud to offer smile correction using a series of…
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