With Orthodontic Clear Aligners, you can make the process of fixing awkwardly spaced teeth more convenient. Instead of using metal braces, you can instead rely on appliances that you can remove without difficulty. In addition to being easy to take off and put in place, they are designed to avoid detection, which makes it easier to have them without feeling self-conscious. Before your treatment begins, Dr. Browne will gather a series of detailed digital impressions, which we use to determine how we can move your teeth, as well as to provide custom-made aligners that stay secure.
Your questions about your experience with clear aligners may concern how they will affect your typical day. After all, they need to stay in place for as much time as possible to keep you on track with your treatment end date. You will not have to worry about their impact on your appearance, so you can feel comfortable with them even in social and professional settings. At times when you might need to have them out of place, you can quickly remove them before slipping them back on.
Whenever you eat, or when you need to brush and floss your teeth, you can take out your Orthodontic Clear Aligners, making these experiences no different than before your corrective work started. This removes one frustrating obstacle that people often associate with orthodontic work. In addition to making daily life feel a little more normal, it helps you avoid problems with bacteria buildup that might occur if metal braces affect how you care for your smile.
With Orthodontic Clear Aligners, you can take care of your smile without running into inconveniences that make your daily life more difficult. If you would like to find out more, please call our Prairie Village, KS dental office at 913-901-8585.
Our patients often enjoy smile correction with our clear orthodontic aligners instead of braces. These…
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Instead of traditional metal braces, we’re proud to offer smile correction using a series of…
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