With traditional orthodontic appliances, you can gradually guide your teeth into position and fix problems with malocclusion. Through the use of Orthodontic Clear Aligners, you can take on the issues you have with poor teeth spacing without the need to wear aligners that are fixed in place and hard for people to ignore. The set of appliances that you receive will be custom-made to ensure that the right movements occur. Because you can remove them, you can have an easier time maintaining your normal daily routine throughout corrective treatment.
As you undergo treatment with Orthodontic Clear Aligners, your smile will gradually become straighter and more attractive. Fixing gaps and overlaps means correcting problems with unsightly flaws that draw attention you would prefer not to have. It can also serve to generally make your smile more attractive by making it more symmetrical. While this is just one cosmetic dental service of many that we provide, it can be all that it takes to give you the appearance you truly desire!
Did you know that the alignment of your smile can impact the quality of your bite? If poor spacing interferes with your ability to bite and chew in a way that feels comfortable, you can become more vulnerable to TMJ disorder, and you are more likely to overuse certain teeth. Another concern is that teeth that overlap are harder to clean, making you more prone to problems over time.
Through treatment with Orthodontic Clear Aligners, you can fix problems with your appearance and oral health without having to rely on a set of conspicuous metal braces. Our practice is happy to talk with you about this and other services that we are able to offer. For more information on what we can do for you, reach out to our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office at 913-901-8585.
Our patients often enjoy smile correction with our clear orthodontic aligners instead of braces. These…
Do you have dental misalignment? If so, this can impact the health and function of…
Instead of traditional metal braces, we’re proud to offer smile correction using a series of…
Don’t let poor alignment in your teeth cause issues with your oral health or your…
Your smile is a big part of who you are, and that means that you…
Are you tired of hiding your smile in family photos? Or are your teeth keeping…