By choosing to start treatment with Orthodontic Clear Aligners, you can begin a process of fixing poor alignment that has negatively impacted the way you look. Gaps between teeth are just one concern that you may have about your smile; with your aligners, you can fix this problem as well as issues with an asymmetrical appearance, problems with overlaps, and any other concerns about teeth that are out of position. These aligners are easy to remove as well as hard to see, so they minimize any intrusion in your typical day.
Once you receive your personalized set of aligners, you can start to enjoy the perks of choosing treatment with removable appliances over metal braces. One reason for this is that you do not have to feel concerned over the way you look. Another is that you will not have to worry about their interference in eating or cleaning your teeth, as they can be taken out. That being said, be sure to stick with wearing them throughout each day to stay on track with your treatment. As you move from one aligner to the next, the changes you see will give you growing confidence as your teeth become straighter, the gaps between them close, and your appearance improves overall.
After finishing your adjustment, you can show off a smile that is more attractive and confident than before, and you can enjoy better dental function. Many people who have issues with malocclusion can have a difficult time biting and chewing with an even movement, and that can lead to excess wear and tear on certain teeth as well as problems with tension on your jaw joints and muscles.
If you are ready to finally address problems with your smile spacing that have given you an unsightly gap between teeth, know that our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office can help. Dr. Browne is ready to discuss the benefits of using Orthodontic Clear Aligners to take on the frustrating issues that you have with malocclusion. In addition to fixing problems that hurt your appearance, this can be a discreet solution for problems with your bite function and oral health. To find out more, please call our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office today at 913-901-8585.
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