Is orthodontic work recommended for patients who want to improve their appearance, or those whose issues with malocclusion affect their oral health? Treatment can be recommended in both scenarios. Orthodontic work benefits you by fixing noticeable problems with gaps and overlaps between teeth. It can also help you because it can improve your bite function, and because it can be relied on to straighten overlaps that have made it difficult for you to effectively clean certain parts of your smile.
Metal braces give many patients pause. As you learn more about orthodontic treatment, you can find that these appliances are not your only option for treatment, and that the right aligners can make your smile care discreet. The clear appliances you receive when you trust SureSmile Clear Aligners with your correction are made to be difficult to observe. When in place, they can go undetected, which means you can leave them in place even at times when you are concerned about maintaining a certain standard of appearance.
SureSmile Clear Aligners are not the only aligners available that can make orthodontic work discreet. What sets them apart from other clear braces is their ability to produce positive results in less time. Your aligners will be made to prioritize the movement of your front teeth, which will allow you to see the changes you want in less time.
Through orthodontic treatment, patients are able to see real improvements to their appearance while also enjoying oral health benefits. If you have questions about orthodontic work with SureSmile Clear Aligners, Dr. Browne is ready to help! By committing to SureSmile treatment, you can actually see the benefits of orthodontic work in less time than you would with other appliances, and you can still enjoy care that does not draw unwanted attention. If you wish to find out more, call our Prairie Village, KS dental office at 913-901-8585.
Our patients often enjoy smile correction with our clear orthodontic aligners instead of braces. These…
Do you have dental misalignment? If so, this can impact the health and function of…
Instead of traditional metal braces, we’re proud to offer smile correction using a series of…
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Are you tired of hiding your smile in family photos? Or are your teeth keeping…