As exciting as it might be to have an appearance-friendly orthodontic appliance, you can be happy to know that clear aligners are helpful for many people who are bothered by gaps, overlaps, and other alignment concerns. These appliances are custom-made to fit over a person’s teeth, and each set is made to gradually help you make your smile straighter. Over time, they help you make permanent changes to your smile without requiring you to wear a fixed appliance, making the overall process more convenient.
While SureSmile aligners are similar to other clear braces because they are easy to remove, and because they are hard to see, you should know that one benefit can set them apart. You should understand that these clear braces are able to shorten a person’s treatment time, as they make the movement of your front teeth a priority. By focusing on shifting these teeth into place, your SureSmile aligners can help you see results sooner – you may see benefits of your treatment after just three to six months!
When you think about the benefits of straightening your teeth, it can be easy to focus on how your appearance can improve. What you should recognize is that there are more than just cosmetic reasons to move forward with orthodontic work. Straighter teeth can help you bite and chew with more comfort, so you are less likely to develop TMJ problems. It is also possible for you to improve your ability to clean your teeth by straightening out overlaps that make certain areas difficult to clean.
At our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office, patients who are interested in orthodontic work can be happy to hear that SureSmile Clear Aligners offer results in less time! You can also be happy to have appliances that are difficult to see and easy to remove, making treatment surprisingly convenient. To find out more, call our Prairie Village, KS office at 913-901-8585.
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