When people receive answers to their questions about orthodontic work, they can learn that an adjustment is about more than just making cosmetic improvements. As you wear your clear aligners, you can actually fix problems that have affected your bite function. This can reduce your risk for experiencing TMJ dysfunction later in life, and also prevent a problem where you put too much wear and tear on certain teeth. A straighter smile can also help you fix alignment issues that affect your ability to prevent cavities and gum disease. When teeth overlap, it can be harder to give them the best possible cleaning while you brush and floss, which raises your risk for oral health concerns.
What can you expect when you start adjusting your smile with SureSmile aligners? As you start your correction, you can be relieved to see just how difficult it can be to notice that your appliances are in place. Clear aligners have made it possible for people to straighten their teeth without attracting unwanted attention because of conspicuous braces. You can also learn how beneficial it is to have appliances that you can remove on your own whenever you need to brush and floss your teeth, or when you are ready to eat.
A successful treatment with SureSmile Clear Aligners can take less time than you would need to see corrections with other appliances. Many patients have their adjustments completed in just three to six months! Once your work is done, you can be confident in the way your improved smile looks. You can also enjoy better dental function, which can address ongoing discomforts you may have had with biting, chewing, and speaking.
At our Prairie Village, KS dental practice, Dr. Browne is ready to take care of patients’ smiles by using SureSmile Clear Aligners! To learn more or to schedule a visit with Dr. Browne, contact our office today at (913) 901-8585.
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