If you want to maintain a professional look and avoid the awkward issues that can accompany the placement of braces, you may be reluctant to discuss any kind of orthodontic work. As effective as they can be at fixing different degrees of malocclusion, metal braces can feel uncomfortable, as they are both fixed in place and hard to miss. With Orthodontic Clear Aligners as an alternative to this approach, you can find that care is easier to enjoy. Your appearance will not have to change in such a dramatic fashion, and you will be free to remove your appliances whenever they might be in your way.
A set of Orthodontic Clear Aligners will be provided to you at the start of your adjustment. To make sure they provide the right movements and have the right fit, Dr. Browne will take detailed measurements of your teeth. Following this, you will begin to wear the aligners throughout your typical day. With their clear design, they are easy for people to miss. Whenever you need to eat or clean your smile, you can take them out without difficulty. These features can be particularly appealing if you want to do something about malocclusion but worry about treatment being intrusive.
As beneficial as corrective work can be for your appearance, this kind of work can also help you resolve certain oral health concerns. Straightening your teeth will help to improve your bite alignment, something that you can count on to lower your risk for TMJ disorder. Better alignment also makes it easier for you to fix issues with teeth that are harder to keep clean because of how they overlap with their neighbors.
If you are interested in finding out how Orthodontic Clear Aligners will help you resolve problems with your appearance while not interfering in your work life, reach out to our Prairie Village, KS dentist’s office at 913-901-8585.
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